7.         Direct Staff on Distribution of Documents to Directors


Meeting Date:     February 2, 2004                          Budgeted:   N/A

Program/Line Item No.: N/A

Staff Contact:       Arlene Tavani                              Cost Estimate: N/A


General Counsel Approval: N/A

Committee Recommendation: N/A

CEQA Compliance: N/A



SUMMARY:   District staff would like direction from the Board on distribution of committee packets, documents related to litigation and other items.  The distribution process has been modified periodically, based on direction from the Chair or Board.   Shown below are some distribution options that have been followed in the past.


RECOMMENDATION:  Review the list of options shown below and indicate the process District staff should follow for distribution of documents to the Board.  One option not shown on the list, is for each Director to advise staff what documents he/she would like to receive.


Options for Distribution of Documents to Board


1.      Administrative Committee packets

a.          Distribute to all Directors

b.         Distribute only to committee members


2.      Board Subcommittee Packets

a.          Distribute to all Directors

b.         Distribute only to committee members


3.      Correspondence from General Manager or  District staff to a Director

a.          Distribute to addressee

b.         Distribute according to direction of General Manager

c.          Distribute to all Directors


4.      Incoming letters or other correspondence addressed to a Director

a.          Distribute to addressee

b.         Distribute according to direction of General Manager

c.          Distribute to all Directors


5.      Documents related to litigation: 

a.          Provide to Board all pleadings prepared by the District

b.         Provide to Board all pleadings received from parties to the litigation

c.          Provide to Board periodic summaries of action related to litigation prepared by the General Manager or District Counsel.



